An Interview: Physicological Health After Eartquake

After the earthquake that deeply affected our country and 11 of our provinces, we continue to work with the same determination on relief efforts and what we can do during the normalisation process. In order to alleviate the psychological effects of the disaster and recover as a society, we met with our valuable colleagues, Clinical Psychologist Esin Hekimoğlu and Educator Belgin Temur, within the scope of "Bi Söyleşi". We planned an online session for all our workers who could not participate in our talk, which took place in three sessions. We talked about what we can do for those who live in the earthquake zone, the power of empathy, ways to reduce the psychological effects, and most importantly, how we can recover.

As Birinci family, even though we did not experience the earthquake firsthand, we believe in the power of social solidarity  and will continue to support relief efforts. We will overcome this difficult time together,  which is one of the most tragic disasters in our history.